Cheers everybody! Yesterday I noticed small oil spots on my garage floor at the rear of the R. Jacked the car up and found the source is at ...

Haldex controller oil leak

Haldex controller oil leak

Haldex controller oil leak

8 10 99

Cheers everybody! Yesterday I noticed small oil spots on my garage floor at the rear of the R. Jacked the car up and found the source is at the electrical connectors for the haldex. I've read mixed things that state its oil migration from either the precharge pump or controller. Have already ordered a new pump but I have a question about the controller.

If i were to replace the haldex controller with an exact used one.. will I have to have it programmed to my car or will it be plug and play?

Any info will be greatly appreciatedFri, 09 Oct 2020 13:08:12 GMT

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