So wife and I are moving. We're moving 1,100 miles. We have a moving company moving our things and I'm taking the car and do...

Long Distance Bombing Run - Solo - Help me Plan

Long Distance Bombing Run - Solo - Help me Plan

Long Distance Bombing Run - Solo - Help me Plan

8 10 99

So wife and I are moving.

We're moving 1,100 miles.

We have a moving company moving our things and I'm taking the car and dog while the wife flies and takes the cat.

This is the route.

So I ask ye fellow drivers...

If I leave at 5pm on Friday and need to arrive by afternoon on a sunday... what should I pack, how should I go?

This will take me 4 fuel stops (14mpg)

Two additional food stops/dog potty stops

sleep in car.

My thoughts:

Leave at 5pm drive 4-5 hours, which gets me up to about Klamath Falls; sleep.

Saturday, wake up in the car, head on out.

drive 10 hours.

This should get me to Coeur d'Alene


drive the remaining 4 hours.

Questions: What all do I need to pack for this? I've done drives like this but never solo.

I'll have food and water for dog, but what do I need for myself?Fri, 09 Oct 2020 17:29:46 GMT

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